Pointy Note


Hello, welcome to my web page or RSS feed.

Work stuff first, then other stuff, then the end.

  • Did I program at all this week? That's not a problem as such I'm just wondering where the working week went.
    • My team is hiring so I've been getting familiar with the interview process of larger teams who hire regularly, and working with my team to adapt a technical test for the job description.
    • I've also been making a greater effort to prioritise design team collaboration; it felt like we drifted for a while but we're more active of late and I want to contribute to that momentum ๐Ÿ™Œ
    • This week that manifested as getting more familiar with Figma; adding to design system guidelines; catching up with designers to say hello and chat about their projects/processes; and talking with our Creative Director, which was super enthusing - there's a whole world of products which expand out from our core ft.com brand, I think our team could help support their development more.
    • Oh, and also this week, I ran new Introduction to Origami sessions. We've had excellent feedback in the past but I haven't been getting much feedback from attendees recently, so I'm increasingly paranoid it needs work (I'm a pretty monkey?)
  • Also this week Drug Store Romeos have taken control of my brain. Probably Spotify will shame me with a tube ad for playing Frame Of Reference too many times.
  • I made a kimchi grenade. Further details upon request.
  • In the series of "Lee pays a little more attention to birds": I forgot to tell you, we saw a Pied Flycatcher for the first time when we were on our way to NวŽm Sรดng.
  • Finally, I'm double jabbed baby! The first dose didn't seem to give me any side-effects, except a sore arm, but I think the second one did. I got the jab early on Friday morning and woke the same night feeling pretty unwell and achy, unable to get back to sleep. I didn't feel good Saturday either. Worth it! ๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿ’‰ I'm feeling much better now after a massive lie in.
  • Shame I felt ill on my time and not work time, though. Weekend redo? ๐Ÿ˜