Horizontal note


  • Wololo! Age of Empires really gets my heart rate up. Is it safe? Literal death by Teutonic knight, no thank you.
  • My body betrayed me and I'm a lucky boy but still pretty bummed out about the hardly-the-end-of-the-world repercussions. My inner monologue tells me I'm all of a sudden hurtling toward old age and frailty. A thought reinforced by dependence and a pillbox.
  • Sharing my allotment with volunteering friends and family has been heart warming though. "What's he doing? Lee! Put that down." I come alive there, get carried away.
  • Work have been supportive but I don't help myself. I was supposed to go back part time but ended up doing pretty normal hours. In hindsight, I definitely went back a bit too soon. A couple of weeks in I'm feeling much more physically and mentally capable – though am still trying to take it easy.
  • How do I tell people how I'm doing when they check-in?
    1. Deflect.
    2. List of ongoing symptoms.
    3. List of ongoing symptoms + fears.
    4. All good, ta! No stroke so far.
  • Option (1) or (4) seems best. I am pretty much fine. Except...
  • Was planning on getting hench this autumn, that's off.
  • All being well with me, R may be out on a long solo adventure soon. I'll need to fill the void with safe activities. If their mum lived closer I'd have properly enjoyed time off work to hangout and learn to knit. We could've knitted and read and pottered all day, stopping only for tea breaks and the cake I would've made. Alas.
  • Maybe I shouldn't give up on my dreams so easily.
  • You only live once.
  • This time next year,
    • Maybe my artery will have healed okay.
    • Maybe I'll have hungout with R's mum to pickup some knitting.
    • Perhaps I'll have had a personal trainer to help me rebuild fitness and confidence.
    • Better, I'll have knitted myself some sexy gym wear. Knit gym wear is so hot right now.
    • And I'll surely have thrown a "Lee's Manure Mayhem" party, or something, to get back on top of the allotment through the power of community.
    • Oh my goodness, is this the plan? Or should I be in bed?
  • Publishing without proof reading. Wololo.
  • Look at the tadpole-frogs, look at them!