Spattered Note


  • Something, something, work, run, swim, pub, friends.
  • I need to practise my swimming technique, first by figuring out how to breathe from the side. Something tells me my breathing technique is slightly off:
    1. turn head
    2. get water in nose
    3. swallow water
    4. stop
    5. cough, splutter
    6. repeat
  • It's hard to practise comfortably in shared lanes though, alongside people who know how to swim. The regulars must be less than enthused with my almost stationary, gasping, splish-splashing. Please send tips. Couch to 5k of swimming?
  • I had Friday off and, let me tell you, not being at work is the best, even if you only took the day out of necessity for [administrative task].
  • Got to not hoard annual leave.
  • I'm enjoying work right now though: Proposed a thing to team; team got behind thing; pairing with excellent member of said team to see if/how we can make thing reality.
  • Web people: I had mistakenly thought that setting a font size on the root element would influence width based media queries using em/rem values, but that is not the case. Shame. The following quote from the CSS specification makes sense, otherwise it would be possible to end up in an infinite loop, but it makes aforementioned proposal more tricky.
    When used outside the context of an element (such as in media queries), the font-relative lengths units [e.g. rem, em] refer to the metrics corresponding to the initial values of the font and line-height properties. - CSS Values and Units Module Level 4
  • i'm not superstitious but i am afraid to prune my money tree (YouTube)