Wakeful Note


  • Every weeknote "woe is me" I can't sleep. I've been a zombie the last few years.
  • No more! What will life be like, if I can be not tired all the time?
  • So new year new me, I sleep now. I'm a sleeper.
  • No pressure, stressing about sleep won't help sleep silly, it's all good; early bedtime you; relax with a chill bedtime routine; pop a few unnecessarily fancy nootropics/supplements (hey if placebos work, they work); devices away a few hours before bed, please; no caffeine after 11am you junkie; get some exercises in in the morning routine, not only later in the day; stare at the sun now (ARGH, CIRCADIAN RHYTHM TAKE THIS).
  • I've felt more relaxed, more productive, more optimistic 📈😌
  • It's very early days but so far so good. Let's see if I can make this a habit.
  • Okay, caveat, I'm very sleepy today. Life. One too many pints 📉
  • Worth it.
My sleep quality graph for the beginning of January. High, high, high, higher, higher, lowwwww.
sleep quality (%) 2-8th January