Wheek Note


  • Wheek! We visited some friends over the weekend. They have 3 lovely, well pampered guinea pigs who were fun to meet. Wheek, wheek, wheek! I think that sound means yes please, more snacks please human (guinea pig noises, YouTube) 🥕
  • Weak! Feel bad about the work week.
    • I wasn't very productive. Big, vast, nebulous project is really coming together and feels less big, vast, and nebulous. However I've stumbled close to the finishing line and didn't make much headway this week. Actually, the project is at proposal stage so really I've stumbled close to the starting line? I need to get the progress written down and presented in a format to gather feedback and support for remaining questions. Maybe next week will be better.
    • I've been unfocused at times thinking about house stuff: Has our solicitor got everything they need (answer: yes); has the surveyor got back to me yet (answer: no); is the mortgage valuation going to be low (answer: ?); will we own that unexpected square infront of the neighbours' kitchen as shown on the land registry record (answer: ?), and if so will I need to assert my claim by camping on it with a little flag (answer: no).
    • I did finish an online accessibility course at least. It's a fantastic introduction to building accessible sites, and a great refresher, but I think if I want to take my accessibility work to the next level I need more specific training and practise. I have my eye on some issues at work that'll help me do that, they would be good ones to pair on to share the learnings too 👀 I'll resist more plates and save that for feeling better about point 1.
    • Also helped (in a very minor capacity) organise some work Christmas events. Very excited! 🎄 Related note: My first ever Christmas jumper has arrived. It features lots of robins and I love it, what a great eBay find.
  • Weak! Finally went to the gym for the first time, didn't I. Joined a class which was way too much for me and I couldn't keep up and now days later everything still hurts. Everything. My arms hurt, my chest hurts, my thighs hurt, my knees hurt, my toes were cramping, my bottom somehow hurts. Anyway of course now I've been to the gym that one time I consider myself an athlete, as such I figure I ought to keep myself in peak performance and so have stocked up on plant-based protein powder.

It's been a weak week with wheeks.

Ta-ra then 👋