Human Note


For the first time in 92 days I had an in person conversation with another human being, who isn't R and didn't go: "Oh yes the weather is nice today. Oh nothing much. Ah I think it wants me to use my PIN. Thanks, you too." It was refreshing to get out for a walk and be a human with another human.

You'd think having not met with anyone outside my small household for so long, and with my emphasis here on being human, that I might have come across aloof and clearly quite socially deprived but it was a nice, normal catchup... I think.

The glow of doing a thing didn't last though. Most of this week I've been trying to get my shit together and failing. I keep moving poop, trying to get it into a nice little, manageable pile, but then there the poop is over there again. Is someone moving my poop?

This weeknote got weird. I'm sorry I'm going to have to delete all these one day. I hope they fade from any feeds or archives they might end up on.

The home-made kimchi is good by the way.