Prayer Note


Dear reader, before week note 14 starts, some context. Tier 4 has just been announced for London and the south east and I am drinking wine. That feels relevant. Will it affect the nonsense I commit to writing? Maybe.

  • This week I learnt our notice period on this flat is two months. I was so sure it was one month. I checked, didn't I? Double checked? Nope. Two months. If we move imminently so not to disrupt R's start in a new job that could be a lot of rent overlap.
  • Oh graceful Lord of Land, we pray for mercy. May you, almighty one, bestow great competence on your Agents of Letting, thus they may find your excellence a new purse on which to collect reluctant tribute.
  • We did put an offer in to let a new place from the 28th but didn't get it. Either someone was available immediately or we didn't win the tenant popularity contest, not helped because we had to put the offer in without viewing.
  • Determined to have every chance to secure a second rental opportunity I booked an expensive, non-refundable train last night and readied the hand sanitiser for an in person viewing on Monday.
  • Ha, nope! Tier 4 has put a stop to that. 5 other people will be viewing. We'll make a generous offer without making an impression in person and hope for the best (it's not right, to let applications must be unbelievably open to prejudice).
  • Oh your excellence, Lord of Land, we pray thee take us to your bosom and, in this new dwelling, we shall serve thee well.
  • My sleep continues to suffer dramatically. Turns out my mum and most of my siblings are having difficulty too. We had a cute little catchup at 3am this week.
  • Last night I got a full night. Rejoice! The secret, apparently, is a fun, festive online viewing of Die Hard with colleagues, many carbohydrates, and a decent amount of port.
  • Die Hard is a Christmas film.
  • I even remembered a dream. Me and Nigella Lawson were having a conversation with a third person and I pronounced microwave in the way Nigella did recently on TV (me-crow-wa-vay), in a knowing, poking fun way, and we all had a jolly good laugh.
  • The barber shaved a chunk of hair out above my ear this week. They tried to correct the mistake by taking away more hair and have gone prettttty high over the ear on one side. I didn’t notice until I got home. An undisclosed mask related casualty perhaps? They said I was their first customer. I thought of the day but maybe ever!? At least it's hat season and we can't really go anywhere.
  • The GP near our home has a gazebo outside for the elderly to await their Covid-19 vaccine. The news of an approved vaccine didn't faze me, but the sight of it being rolled out did. I felt all sorts of contorted emotion, but definitely there was a smile.
  • On that note, merry christmas dear reader! I hope your plans aren't too f*cked, if you had any. For me, it's all mince pies and Christmas films from here until the new year. There won't be much to update on so I'm going to skip next week's note.
  • Until 2021 friend, all the best!