

I'm scavenging wooden pallets. A place nearby that designs plaster coving and cornicing has become my semi-regular supplier – I asked, they're cool with me taking them.

Me struggling back up the hill to my home by night, newly acquired pallet in tow.

Slowly, surely, I'm heaving them from A (the plasterer) to B (my house) to C (the allotment).

Pallets aren't all made the same, I've learnt, and these are bloody heavy. Heat treated, large, and usually of high quality.

I was very pleased to hear a fellow allotment couple admire my pallet as I passed, and wonder where it came from – that's right, check out my excellent pallets and feel jelly. Though I do have some competition from an unknown neighbour! They go before I get to them, if I'm not quick.

My plan is to construct three 1.2m2 composting bays sooner rather than later, so I can keep the plot tidy and reduce costs for me and my allotment buddy next season by producing our own compost.