I took everything out of the coldframe and cleared it of weeds. It was a lot quicker and easier than the first time I cleared the coldframe out. I've enjoyed the odd strawberry from the couple of plants in there 🍓😄I cleared more space toward the back and dug in well rotted manure, ready for a couple of squash (crown prince). At a glance things look great! But I'm worried about my corn (middle) and even more so my tomatoes (back).Here's a tomato leaf. I had them in too small of a pot for too long, I introduced them to scorching sun too quickly, and then I planted them out right as evening temperatures dipped. I learnt this week that my allotment neighbour, and my actual neighbour one door down (!), both held out to put their corn out this weekend. Is everyone attempting to grow corn?The lower leaves of my tomatoes are looking yellow and blotchy, though the growing tips are more green. Seems early, and this ground hasn't been cultivated in a long time, but I wonder if it's blight even 😱Everything already planted out is settling in, including lots (too much) of (a single kind of) lettuce – I've dotted it around, including under the peas there. More peas went out this week and I spent some time adding more twine to their support as they grew past where I left off 🙌